Power Generation



Robinson Fans specializes in custom-engineered air movement solutions for the power industry in the new fan, aftermarket, and repair applications. We supply large, induced draft fans, SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) Ammonia Hot Gas Fans, as well as other process fans within a power plant. We even supply fans to non-traditional waste-to-energy plants.

Case Studies

1. Utility and Power Industry

A utility and power customer had a catastrophic failure of a non-Robinson, 87” diameter gas recirculation fan. Robinson fans provided new fan equipment, assisted with repairs of the concrete foundations, and provided complete turnkey installation services at site.

2. Waste-to-Energy Industry

A user located in the midwest had a catastrophic failure of a 70” diameter wet scrubber-induced draft fan, due to corrosion. Robinson Fan provided an entirely new fan rotor manufactured from high-alloy material and Robinson Service completed a complete turnkey installation of the fan and ductwork.

3. Resource Recovery

A southeastern power plant had 2 large, induced draft fans that were experiencing significant metal fatigue in key components of the fan rotor. Additionally, they had two forced draft fans that had significant shaft wear in the bearing journal area. Robinson Fans provided new fan rotors, inlet pieces, and wear plating for the ID fan housings, as well as refinished shaft journal areas on the FD fans.

4. Utility and Power Industry

A municipal utility company in the northeastern U.S. lost operation of their induced draft fan due to a bearing failure, during a high power demand period in January. Robinson Fans designed a custom fan solution and Robinson Service oversaw the field machining of the fan shaft to accept a new custom thrust plate.

5. Utility and Power Industry

A southeastern power plant had a damper malfunction that lead to uneven air distribution causing the fan rotor to thrust excessively, leaving the bearing and fan shaft thrust collar damaged. A replacement collar was fabricated and the fan shaft was machined in place to accept it. Finally, the damper was repaired to correct the uneven airflow issue.